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Tarot forum for Michael Jackson supporters

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    Post  EMPATHY Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:45 pm

    I have just seen this blog posted on MJDH...I thought the following was interesting.


    Was Michael Jackson Really Facing Financial Difficulties?

    August 10, 2009 in Michael Jackson Death is a Hoax - Fake Death - Still Alive | Tags: Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson aliases, Michael Jackson Bankrupt, Michael Jackson Beatles, Michael Jackson Death Hoax, Michael Jackson Earnings, Michael Jackson Empire, Michael jackson Finances, michael jackson hoax death, Michael Jackson Sony, michael jackson still alive, Michael Jackson Wealth | 20 comments

    are told that the KING OF POP was actually penniless by the time of his
    ‘death’. Is this true or not? We heard stories from his nanny that he
    had no money left. In fact, she even states that she had to lend him
    money. We are also told that he was so desperate for money that he
    signed the contract for the 50 concerts. Then we are told that it was
    the stress from these concerts that Michael Jackson could not handle,
    and this led to his ‘death’. Up until now, what you read and heard is
    what Michael Jackson wants you to believe. The truth is far from it…

    • Michael Jackson owned the Beatles catalogue. Michael Jackson purchased this in 1984-85, for $40 million. At the time, he was only 26 years old.
      This meant that he would earn 50% of the royalties from the Beatles
      songs since he owned the publishing rights. This catalogue contained
      4,000 songs.

    • In 1995, Michael Jackson sold 250 Beatles songs to Sony Corporation for $95 million. He still owns rights to 3,750 songs.
    • It has been said that Michael
      Jackson owns 50% share in Sony-ATV Music Publishing Catalogue, which is
      estimated to be at $US1.5 billion and $US2 billion. Just having
      ownership of this generated $US13-20 million in profit, on a yearly

    • Michael Jackson also owns the
      Mijac Music Publishing catalogue, that is worth at around $US 100
      million. Of course the value of this one sky-rocketed with all the sales
      of his albums following the hoax death.

    • His estate is worth $500 million.
    • When Martin Bashir asked Michael
      Jackson how much he was worth – this was in 2003, Michael Jackson
      reluctantly said he ws worth beyond 1 billion US dollars.

    • The Beatles catalogue that Michael Jackson owns is pegged at $US 4-5 billion.
    • Album sales of Bad (1989, $US 125
      million), Dangerous (1992, $US 67 million), HIStory (1996, $US 55
      million) and Blood On The Dance Floor (1998, $US 12 million)

    I did
    some further research, and came up with some extremely interesting
    information that has NOT surfaced anywhere else on the internet – at
    least not until now.

    • Not even a few days after the
      ‘death’ of Michael Jackson, Joe Jackson appeared at the BET Awards. You
      can read about that in my previous post. During an interview, Joe
      Jackson plugged
      ‘Ranch Records’. As another forum reader mentioned, the name is Ranch Records – ie. Neverland Ranch! Extremely
      interesting…coincidence? I think NOT! Here is what Joe Jackson’s
      partner Marshall Thompson had to say about Ranch Records: “
      It’s driven by Blu-ray technology, and that’s his next step.”
      HIS next step? Whose next step? Joe Jackson was never an investor…he
      did create the Jackson 5 partially, but thats about it. So WHOSE next
      step is it? Sounds like a huge slip of tongue by Marshall Thompson.

    I did not think much of Ranch Records or the slip-of-tongue by Marshall
    Thompson. Not until I did some research on the aliases that Michael
    Jackson supposedly used to obtain drugs and visit doctors.
    Remember, you are reading this here first.

    • Paul Farance is the alias Michael Jackson used. In reality, the name refers to Paul France – CEO of Fantastic One. Fantastic One is a media company that uses new technologies. Prior
      to this, Paul France launched Asia Business News in 1993, which
      eventually merged with CNBC to create CNBC Asia in 1998. In Paul
      France’s own words: “”I have been very closely associated with Internet
      developments and have felt that the true value of new media has been
      held back by bandwidth restraints.Now that broadband is coming on stream
      I am genuinely excited about the potential for this revolution.Through
      its parent companies,
      FantasticOne has
      the technology and the experience in content delivery to truly make
      this revolution of Digital Broadband Multimedia come about.”

    • Omar Arnold is another alias Michael Jackson used. Who is Omar Arnold? In reality, he is the CEO and owner of Quantum Sales & Technology
      Incorporated. Its even located in California – very convenient. Its a
      company that deals with Audio Systems. They even support organizations
      that promote music programs in schools across the USA.

    • Jimmy Nicholas was another one of Michael Jackson’s alias. Jimmy Nicholas is actually the vice president of business development for MokaFive, a technology based organization.
      He has a track record of working win operations and finance, and has
      background in developing partnerships for venture software companies.
      Prior to this, he worked with TriplePoint Capital, where he was
      responsible for venture transactions with parters of the firm. Along
      with a lot of other experience in venture firms, he was also the CEO of
      Oxford Media Corporation – which was dedicated for providing digital
      video technology.

    • In 2000, Media reports indicate
      that Michael Jackson invested several million dollars in
      HollywoodTicket.com, which was a firm that wanted to maximize
      internet technology.
      Unfortunately, this start-up firm that did not perform so well
      initially and there are reports that it changed its company direction.

    • Brian Singleton, Michael Jackson’s alias
      is actually the Chief Creative Producer and Officer of Attention Span
      Media. This company is also conveniently located in Los Angeles, and
      Brian has worked with the entertainment industry via production of
      various sitcoms, was a News Producer of KHIZ TV and now is focusing upon
      New Media.
    • Peter Midani was the alias
      Michael Jackson used – but actually referred to Peter Madonia. Since
      2006, he has been the Chief Operating Officer of the Rockefeller
      Foundation, and oversees human and financial resources,
      information technology,
      facilities and such. Prior to this, he was the Chief of Staff to New
      York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg – who paid a tribute to Michael
      Jackson. Interestingly, Bloomberg announced on July 7th 2009 that he
      wanted to help the slumped media industry, by creating 8,000 jobs. How?
      By creating partnerships between
      traditional and digital media, and attracting foreign investments by media companies. They would also create fellowships for training with venture firms.
      Not only this, but a World Congress of Children was hosted at
      Neverland in April 1995, where in addition to other supporters, Michael
      Jackson’s Heal The World Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation was
      a sponsor.

    • The other aliases were names of friends, his children, other celebrities, or his staff.

    you can see, there is the very strong possibility that the aliases that
    Michael Jackson used were those of people that he knew. From the list
    above, they all
    happened to be leading
    individuals associated with media and technology industries. Prior
    evidence indicates that Michael Jackson was an investor of start-up
    companies associated with technology. Not only that, but surprisingly
    Ranch Records is also focusing on supporting new media technologies.
    Contrary to the impression that has been portrayed of Michael Jackson
    being a lavish spender and not familiar with finances, I strongly
    believe that he is a very apt business minded individual. It has even
    been reported that part of his intention to wed Lisa Marie was to
    purchase rights over Elvis Presley’s catalogue. Moreover, Michael
    Jackson has even stated in his interviews that Salvation Army is an
    excellent store and often had nice merchandise. This was said in the
    1980′s, when Michael Jackson was already a millionaire. Moreover,
    despite supposedly having problems with his father, he lived at home
    with his parents even in his mid-twenties. We are talking about a
    millionaire here, who was already internationally recognized. He did
    not go around blowing money like the pop stars today. Rather, he lived
    very cautiously. He did become a big spender in the 1990′s, but that is
    from our perspective, and not that of a man worth beyond 1 billion

    why the facade of showing a poor Michael Jackson to the world? His
    songs lyrics speak louder then anything else about this. All the
    allegations, court cases, being sued, having to settle cases out of
    court, shutting the mouths of people, etc. cost him a lot. Naturally,
    he was worried about what would become of his finances. His reaction
    was to liquidate most of his funds and assets, write them off as
    expenses and move them into foreign bank accounts and investments.
    There are even reports that he wanted to open resorts in Dubai as well
    as Asia, and perhaps these even materialized. Some of his funds were
    used to purchase stocks and invest into media technology based venture
    firms, as you can see from above, but obviously not under his real name.
    Perhaps if the company structure and share holders were ever available
    to the general public, we could possibly locate the alias that Michael
    Jackson used to invest. Moreover, Michael Jackson even fired his close
    business managers and advisors and hired Dr. Tohme in 2005. This is
    when reports about Michael Jackson’s financial crisis began to emerge,
    as well as reports of him being ill. Odd right?

    King of Pop was not facing financial distress, that was an image for us
    to believe in. At the moment, he continues to receive royalties from
    the enormous sales of his albums, enjoy the funds that he liquidated and
    sent away to offshore accounts, as well as continuing to invest into
    venture firms based on technology and media. All this while not having
    to pay a single dime to any of his on-going court cases, loans, other
    ‘debt’ that he had accrued. In one of his interviews, Michael Jackson
    mentioned that he is not stupid, and that stupid people don’t get this
    far – which is very true indeed. To pull of this hoax and having
    planned all the minute details needs a brilliant mind while having
    calculated all the gains requires a brilliant mind – that of Michael


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    Location : PLACE WITH NO NAME


    Post  EMPATHY Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:54 pm

    There is a book coming out about that picture with Michael with the Blue patch on his eye.

    Reading the above information Im wondering if this means BLU RAY????????


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    Post  butterfly Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:32 pm

    Maybe it's something to do with a Blue Moon in November 2010?? THIS  BLOG IS RATHER INTERESTING 33788

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    THIS  BLOG IS RATHER INTERESTING Empty In The Spotlight Today: Michael Jackson’s “You Rock My World”

    Post  ionkazl Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:00 pm

    Posted on July 28, 2010 by VT
    “I wanted something that would glue you to the set, something you’d want to watch over and over. The idea from the beginning was to give people quality. So I wanted to be a pioneer in this relatively new medium and make the best short music movies we could make.” — Michael Jackson
    Few artists in music history have been capable of exerting the enormous influence upon culture that Michael Jackson has. Throughout a career spanning more than four decades, the King of Pop cemented his role as the consummate performer. Rather than focusing on the sole aspects of singing or dancing, Jackson was prudent about sharing quality entertainment through innovation and inspiration. These attributes transcended to the pop star’s music videos, otherwise dubbed as “short films”, catapulting them to previously unattained heights. Short films such as, “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”, “Thriller”, and “Billie Jean” remain the most recognized and distinguished videos of all time; however, underrated singles such as “You Rock My World” from his 2001 album, “Invincible”, can also attest to his genius and portray the beauty of Jackson’s creativity.
    “You Rock My World”, Jackson’s leading single on his tenth studio album, exemplifies the definition of “short film”. Elements typical of feature movies are incorporated to result in the thirteen-minute cinematic short, portraying the two main leads, (Michael Jackson, Chris Tucker) vying for a woman’s affection. An elaborate plot which includes a beginning, climax, and resolution, contributes meaning behind the story, thus adding a sincere feel to the song. A full set including restaurant and street scenery, bar props, and formal wardrobe accentuate the “gangster movie” vibe of the short film. To top it off, a prominent list of actors costar alongside the King of Pop, including Chris Tucker, Michael Madsen, and the late Marlon Brando. Everything from the story, to the actors, to the wardrobe and scenery combines to enact a full movie experience, as the footage builds depth and establishes a connection with the audience.

    Jackson’s trademark choreography further exhibits the video’s ingenuity. With dance at the core of the footage, the pop star boasts an explosive performance consisting of classic spins, intricate footwork, crotch grabs, and thrusts. “Group dancing”, a style which Jackson is credited for popularizing, also adds a unique twist to the music video. The stylistic blend between the singer’s sharp, synchronized choreography and smooth, laid-back moves complements both his artistic abilities and the distinctive nature of the film.

    Finally, the video’s emotional response highlights its matchless versatility. The emotions evoked throughout the short film’s portrayal speak to audiences of all walks of life. Comical scenes between Jackson and Tucker conjure up sentiments of joy, while scenes portraying Jackson with female lead Kishaya Dudley evoke feelings of love and companionship. The video later depicts fear and courage. Audiences can relate to the palpable emotions which transcend from the video to the hearts and souls of viewers.
    Along with his most famed music videos, “You Rock My World” continues to shed light on the ground-breaking, creative, and uplifting nature of Michael Jackson’s showmanship. Though not as praised as the singer’s earlier releases, the delivery of his most recent single truly represents art in its purest form.


    Spike Lee Invites The Public For Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration

    Spike Lee has made a video on Facebook inviting the public to the second annual 'Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson Birthday Celebration' in The Nethermead Field - Prospect Park, Brooklyn, on Aug. 29.

    DJ Spinna (aka Vincent Williams) will once again provide the music from 12:00pm - 5:00pm.

    The late, great King of Pop, who died June 25, 2009, would've been 52 years old.

    Lee, the Academy Award nominated director of movies such as 'School Daze,' 'Malcolm X,' 'Miracle at St. Anna' and 'Do The Right Thing,' collaborated with Jackson for the 1996 music video for the song 'They Don't Care About Us.'


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    Location : PLACE WITH NO NAME


    Post  EMPATHY Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:47 pm

    Thank you for posting that Ionkazl - interesting to read x

    Posts : 205
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    Post  seeking Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:24 am

    don't mean to nitpick, THIS  BLOG IS RATHER INTERESTING 50101 but the original ATV was not just the Beatles (Northern Songs), although certainly the Beatles portion was the highest in value. it also had Petula Clark, Barry White, Little Richard, and a host of others i can't recall. some Elvis Presley, too. with the merger and the further acquisitions, i think Sony ATV now owns the WHOLE Elvis Presley catalogue as well.


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    Post  EMPATHY Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:39 am

    Thank you for correcting the article Seeking its good to have the right information x

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